1. Define the research objectives

The first step is to define the research objectives, which include what information you want to gather, the research questions you want to answer, and the scope of the research.

Write an SEO page outline for the keyword ""
Write 3-4 parragraphs for I, consider smart energy USA our solar company in the content here and there.
Write 4-5 for parragraphs II section, add subheadlines
Write 5-6 parragraphs for section III, add bullet points
Write 4-5 parragraphs for next section IV, don't add bullett points
Write 4-5 parragraphs for section V, don't add bullet points, don't add a subheadline
Write 4-5 paragraphs for the next section VI, don't add bullet points, and don't add subheadlines, just paragraphs. Don't add subheadlines!!! s
Write 4-5 parragraphs for the conlussion, don't  add bullet points, or don't add a subheadline, also a add a 
call to action to know more about Smart Energy USA.
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